
Home sick and starting a blog

Chapter 9: So close
Originally uploaded by DerDrache
At a recent meeting of the Columbus Social Media Cafe I introduced myself as a blogger, refering to my 365 project and mentioned that I had been toying with the idea of starting a more 'traditional' blog once that project was complete. Well it is and I'm home sick so I have little excuse to get cracking.

The shot to your right is from a tiny epic quest I embarked on earlier today. Since completing the 365 project I've intentionally taken a few days to unwind and not shoot anything with the idea being that once I'm shooting what I want and not what I feel obligated to my quality of work would improve. Today's little experiment was of little artistic merit but I must admit I had fun writing the really stupid accompanying story. That might be what kick-started me into this newest adventure. A few things are for sure:

1) I am not going to give myself any rules for this blog. Rules and obligations are what took the fun out of the 365 project for me.
2) See rule number 1.

That said, I have no direction or ideas for this blog. At this point it will just serve as a sounding board for whoever is willing to listen. I'm hoping it will actually evolve into something intelligible and possibly serve a resource to individuals with similar interests. If I had to tell you now what to expect I'd say there are a few subjects that will most certainly come up. Namely photography, music, local art and Columbus local events. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive.

1 comment:

Carl McKinney said...

DerDrache's! I didn't know you had one of these until twitter. This is awesome.

Just beware, it gets addictive. You constantly are searching for new and exciting things to learn and do to post. I love it!